3 Survival Tips For Your First Convention

So you’re getting excited because you’re going to attend your first LifeVantage convention. How will you survive without all the comforts of home? Conventions can be an exciting time; as well as exhausting. By the time you travel to the convention, get to your hotel, get to the conference site, registration, and so much more what could you possible forget?

Let me just say that having a handy useful guide can be a relief!

Survival Kit


Notebook – Take notes, explore your light bulb ideas
Highlighters – For lighting those light bulb ideas
Sharpie Pen – Any color will do for signatures and marking those new products in the catalog
Lifesavers – The candy kind, unless you’re on a boat convention
Snacks – Be sure to keep healthy snacks in your briefcase, purse or whatever you carry. Stay energized and pumped up!
Business Cards – 100 should do unless you think you need more. Be sure to collect other contacts as well. You never know when you will need their help with something in their neck of the woods.


Dress Professionally – Dress comfortably but professionally. Jeans with holes and ripped shirts, sagging pants won’t make a great impression on others who are there to learn how to run their businesses and be more successful.

Plan Ahead – There should be a list of literary with your registration on-line.  Look it over ahead of time and plan the events that you want to attend.

Schedule – Schedule time for yourself to socialize while you’re there. Try to arrange a time to meet with your team’s up-line and offer to buy them a cocktail, coke or coffee. Probe their mind for ways to achieve  your success.

Alcohol Intake – Remember this is not a party! Conduct yourself in business fashion and remember that moderation is the key.

Enjoy Yourself

Yes you are there to get renewed and refreshed; however remember to have fun and meet new people.
We’ve talked about survival gear, preparation and now the most important part.


Safety is your number one key to a successful outcome.

• If possible don’t walk alone or travel alone. Never say you’re alone when someone is persistently asking you who you are, where you’re from and why you are there. Don’t hesitate to lie. Keep your senses around you and aware.
• When leaving the convention site don’t wear your name badge for everyone to see. It tells people who, what and where you are.
• Wear minimal jewelry Try not to attract too much attention to yourself. A lot of flashy jewelry attracts attention and predators which make you an easy target.
• Don’t give out your room number to people you don’t personally know
• Don’t leave any valuables in the room
• Lock up any luggage
• NEVER, NEVER give the front desk your credit card information to any one. Especially if someone is calling the phone in your room saying there from the front desk. It’s a Scam.
• Last but not least – NEVER, NEVER turn in your room key card! It contains personal information. If you must turn it in then ask for a pair of scissors and cut it in half.


Budget beneath your means and try not to spend all your time and money in the LV shop. Have a great convention and let’s …..

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