Learning To Take Actions


Three years ago I decided to start blogging more seriously about internet marketing, entrepreneurship, being an independent business owner and some things about life.


Making a decision to change a technique, business ventures, careers or anything takes action. Deciding to become  a series blogger,  one of the first steps I took was to search the internet for blogs and blogging advice.  

According to WordPress.com  How many posts are being published?  (There are about 58.3 million new posts and 43.8 million new comments each month). MIND BLOWING!

My Improvements

How was I going to improve upon what I started?   Searching and searching the internet is confusing, and overwhelming to say the least.  During my search I found a little community called MLSP My Lead System Pro which lead me to eventually meet a community called the Power Affiliate Club.   Yes I write about PAC a lot.  Search my blog and you will understand why.  PAC’s Infectious Mission

Action Creates Learning

Taking the actions necessary to become a better writer, author and presenter has led me to where I am today, an expert Power Affiliate Club Author. Looking back over the last three years, I have looked at my articles from when I combined my two blogs.  Honestly I now see the major difference in my tenacious appetite to become the best.

I had to learn how to make words flow together, to include images, improve my blog site by adding more content for readers to view and hopefully interact.

 When  you consider the  fact that there are over 58.3 million new blog posts a month and over 43.8 million views, how can a blogger survive?

Necessary Steps

Finding the necessary steps to my journey started with a thought.  Searching throughout the world-wide web for answers.  Being teachable, willing to learn and implementing those concepts and ideas.

Becoming more involved with the blogging community, reading positive mindset books, listening to CD’s.  Basically doing anything to improve my mindset as well as my blogging skills. When a person does the  investigating and implementing then a true learning curve can begin.

These are the actions that I took necessary to achieve my goal to become a writer and blogger.


Alicia Osmera





16 thoughts on “Learning To Take Actions

  1. Yes we must be willing to learn to be able to move forward,great post.Interesting to know that there are so many blohgposts being made daily also.

  2. Good post 🙂 Blogging is a real journey and you have to be consistent or you may as well not blog. I have never heard of PAC.

  3. Hi Alicia,

    Simple but true. Love this message especially when you mention PAC. I’ve been a blogger for such a long time and love the people in PAC especially reciprocity factor. New and seasoned bloggers all getting together to make it alive.

    So good to connect with you,


  4. Hi Alicia

    It is no wonder why I come back to your blog; you have a way of passing your unique message that is awesome. I do remember the post you wrote on PAC. You are truly an inspiration. Thanks

  5. Motivation is so important to sustain us in continuing our efforts with blogging. I too am a real fan of PAC because it keeps us motivated by giving us ideas, and projects such as this carnival. Being part of a supportive community like PAC increases my enjoyment in blogging. Even if our sites get masses of visitors, the vast majority are anonymous. It’s those that we develop relationships with that encourage us to keep writing.

  6. Love your style Alicia. Blog about blogging journey! This post is no doubt the summary of most of the folks in PAC. Got abit of solidarity with this. Thanks for sharing.

    Btw this might link to ministry of exorcism instead of flawsome awesome PAC article. Oops, live and learn. Hahaha

  7. Hi Alicia, blogging is a journey we can all take, but whether we are read and popular depends on how active we are in the blogging community, don’t you think. Sometimes people start new blogs because they want to share something, but they don’t really think about or know about getting their blog out there and seen. I think the assumption from a lot of new people is that just because they have written something people will come and read it. I am glad in a way that there are less of us who actually work at it as it pushes our own blogs up the ranks and gets us seen.

    Enjoy the journey!

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