Three Day Quote Challenge: Day 3 (oops I missed a day)

I am not perfect just forgiven! 

I was so busy yesterday with the return of my husband home from the hospital I totally spaced out my day 3 of this challenge.

I was nominated by Sweta Ojha to participate in the three-day quote challenge.

Thank you for thinking of me Sweta Ojha.  Please stop by her blog site and check it out.


  • Pen down three quotes for three days
  • Nominate three blogs each day.  The nomination should not be repeated.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Inform the nominees.


My prayer and hope for you my readers is that I will leave a footprint in your heart for the better.

My nominees are:


These three blogger’s are fellow PAC memeber’s and they always have a positive message to share.

Gain The Advantage!

Alicia Osmera



5 thoughts on “Three Day Quote Challenge: Day 3 (oops I missed a day)

  1. Awe what a beautiful quote. I fully believe that God leads us to people for a reason. Some will bless other and others we may have something to learn from. God bless you and my husband and I are praying for a speedy recovery

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