
How often do you take time to reflect on your life?

Reflecting back on progress that one has made in business,  personal growth,  love life in general can be a healthy thing to do.

It allows one to take a look back and see how far they’ve come toward obtaining their goals.

As I’ve been looking back on the past articles I’ve posted putting forth the effort, hard work and connecting with other bloggers has lead to huge improvements with my site.

For Example:

Let’s take a look at my very first post Creating Your Brand written on June 8, 2015.  One hundred and seven words, short and to the point!

No comments from any visitors.   No engagement whatsoever!  I started receiving comments and more engagement as the articles improved.  Finding the right “wording” to attract and engage others has been a learning process.

It’s All About Connections

It’s all about making connections with other like minded people. Weather they’re a constant reader, a guest blogger or just passing by.

What are you offering to the readers? Is it something to challenge their thinking? Advise on certain subjects?  Challenge your readers to engage more with you, to make those connections that matter.   Each comment,  each visit to your site boosts your confidence as a writer; as well as your blog site ratings.

Victory Is Contagious 

Have you noticed when your attending a sporting event, watching your favorite game or even olympic event on TV when the team you’re touting for wins the happiness and joy you feel from the thrill of victory?

It’s contagious!

Look around at everyone.  There laughing, smiling, just having fun engaging with the comrodare of the victory.

Well I hope reading this will help you to reflect on things in your life.

Gain The Advantage,

Alicia Osmera

3 thoughts on “Reflections

  1. Hi Alicia

    If we don’t reflect or look bak on our journey, how will we move forward? You shared an awesome post and it is when we are grateful with how far we have come, that we can make a difference.

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