Why I Started Writing A Bolg

I don’t claim to be a professional blogger.  But then what is a professional blogger?

  I found an interesting article by professional blogger John Saddington titled The Definition of a ‘Professional Blogger’ or ‘Full Time Blogger’ In this post he explains a few different viewpoints.  

There are a number of differing viewpoints and not one of them is necessarily incorrect; in fact, anyone has the full right to call themselves a ‘Full Time Blogger‘ or ‘Professional Blogger’ regardless of any outside opinion. But, there seems to be an understanding, both cultural and nuanced, about what it means to be ‘Pro.’

Just think about it for a moment, especially as it relates to professions and jobs in other areas – What do you think of when you say that so and so is a Professional? You probably assume a number of things, right?

I started my blog a few years ago just to voice my opinion about things going on in my life I am passionate about.   Learning how to fine tune, hone in, really dig deeper into the fine art of blogging came from meeting Lesly Federici owner and expert author of The Power Affiliate Club.  The PAC is a community of bloggers helping each other and offering advice.

I needed to have a voice 

Writing my thoughts down and sharing with my readers gives me joy.  Mind you not all comments I receive are nice and thank you’s.  However for the most part people get interested and comment back.  Having your followers comment on any posted article is an honor.  I must be doing something right.

When I first started out my posts were short, not alot allot to read and I didn’t really post many images.   My  very first blog article Creating Your Brand looks absolutely pathetic now.

  What was the point I was trying to convey to anyone?

 How do you create more leads, more people to talk to when you’ve gone through your list and heard all the excuses and all the “NO’s” so many times?

Create a brand for yourself. What ??? What I mean is one must be willing to create a brand of themselves on the internet to attract the people they want into their business.”

That’s the jest of it.  No instructions given, no real helpful advice.   Not so much as even a link to another resource for help.  

My main goal

For you , my readers to like what you’re reading and hopefully learn something new along the way.

My personal goal is to continue growing and learning about ways to improve my writing as well as my mindset for success.

I hope you found this enlightening and as always, 

Gain The Advantage. 

Alicia Osmera 


2 thoughts on “Why I Started Writing A Bolg

  1. Hi Alicia

    Yeah the topic of full and professional blogger is something that I see is a debate among bloggers.

    It is great to see the purpose why you blog. Whenever I read your blog, I always gain so much insight from your experience.

    Thanks for sharing. Take Care

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