Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday

How did we ever get along from one Christmas to the next without using a computer to shop?

I remember going shopping as a child with my mother.   The sights, the sounds, the wonderful smells and music.   Have we missed something in all the hustle of the internet?  Does shopping online give us the same gratification as it did when we were children?

This year November 2015 retailers took a different approach to the “traditional” black Friday sales and they actually closed their stores, allowing their employees to be a part of their own families celebrations.

To those retailers I applaud you.  REI, Nordstroms, Hobby Lobby and more.  Have the CEO’s of these companies started a new, old trend?

Yes it’s one of the biggest internet shopping days of the year.  And whether you’re at work on your computer surfing the internet, or from your mobile device the fact is your already shopping for somethingor someone to help you build your successful asset.

How can we apply Cyber Monday to being an entrepreneur and networking with other like minded people?   Instead of searching the internet for that one great deal, why not search for other like minded people that maybe in need of someone to help coach them in their business building efforts?   Offer your services to assist them with what they’re lacking .

Are you seeking to learn more about how to become the leader that you want to be?  There are many resources out there in this big cyber world.  How does one know who to go to for help?

Find someone you trust.  That’s it plane and simple.  Your reading tjis right now does it mean that you put your trust in me?  I can’t answer that for you,  you need to be the one to answer that question.

I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters; however I am on a journey just as you are to find the solution to gain followers,  attract others to my main mlm business and as always gain the advantage!