Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday

How did we ever get along from one Christmas to the next without using a computer to shop?

I remember going shopping as a child with my mother.   The sights, the sounds, the wonderful smells and music.   Have we missed something in all the hustle of the internet?  Does shopping online give us the same gratification as it did when we were children?

This year November 2015 retailers took a different approach to the “traditional” black Friday sales and they actually closed their stores, allowing their employees to be a part of their own families celebrations.

To those retailers I applaud you.  REI, Nordstroms, Hobby Lobby and more.  Have the CEO’s of these companies started a new, old trend?

Yes it’s one of the biggest internet shopping days of the year.  And whether you’re at work on your computer surfing the internet, or from your mobile device the fact is your already shopping for somethingor someone to help you build your successful asset.

How can we apply Cyber Monday to being an entrepreneur and networking with other like minded people?   Instead of searching the internet for that one great deal, why not search for other like minded people that maybe in need of someone to help coach them in their business building efforts?   Offer your services to assist them with what they’re lacking .

Are you seeking to learn more about how to become the leader that you want to be?  There are many resources out there in this big cyber world.  How does one know who to go to for help?

Find someone you trust.  That’s it plane and simple.  Your reading tjis right now does it mean that you put your trust in me?  I can’t answer that for you,  you need to be the one to answer that question.

I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters; however I am on a journey just as you are to find the solution to gain followers,  attract others to my main mlm business and as always gain the advantage!


Of course everyone is blogging about what they are thankful, or grateful for on Thanksgiving.

We have all been taught that this is the day the Pilgrims and the Indians sat down to give thanks for everything that was produced in the harvest that year. However it makes me wonder were the Indians really that happy to share a meal with the Pilgrams?
If one stops to think about the time back then is this were sharing, caring, gratitude and loving thy neighbor was started? Or before or after the holiday is this were racism truly started in America?

Yes I know what your thinking; “Why on today of all days is she saying that word”? Racism, Hate, Teasing, Uncompassion for our fellow men is this one time where it started in America?

When we don’t understand why or how someone is different from us, then the thoughts of racism are stirring up inside of our minds and it’s up to us if we act upon those thoughts. I am saying all this to make you think. Think about how people treat or treated you when they find out that YOU are an ENTREPRENEUR a NETWORK MARKETER. Were they excited? Did they jump for joy, hug you and say that they have been waiting to hear more from a network marketer ? My guess is probably not.

Entrepreneurs and Network Marketer’s have made this country great!! Yes we are looked down upon by certain groups and people in society. If Steve Jobs had listened to other people’s hateful, rude remarks telling him to “Go Get A Real Job”, would we have Apple Computer’s? What if Alexander Graham Bell stopped trying with all his inventions and just listened to other people about how stupid he was for never giving up? Would we have the telephone today? I’m not sure about the answers to these questions; however I do know that the answer is I AM SO THANKFUL THAT ALL OF THE PREVIOUS INVENTORS, ENTREPRENEUR’S who never quit!! Ignored all the haters and nay sayers to build this country from the ground up!

From the lumber jacks, the blacksmiths, the steele mill workers, iron workers, minors, blue collar worker’s, I say “THANK YOU ” FOR YOU AND MANY OTHERS ARE FROM THE BACKBONE, BARE ROOTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! !

Yes now we have advanced technologies to communicate with other people all over the world. What will happen next?

What if we took EVERYDAY to be thankful for thingsin our lives instead of one day, one month out of the year?

I send blessings of peace, joy, health, wealth and happiness to you all. May God bless you and may GOD continue to bless AMERICA!

Surviving 24 Hours In A Purse

Two weeks ago I attended one of the most amazing conventions I have ever been to. Two keynote speakers you probably know very well, Mel Robbins and Eric Worre. Both great motivational speakers as well as telling it, straight and to the point.

Usually I would pack my bag and take it as carry on. The one time I decided to do something different what happens? I asked one of my business associates if he would take my luggage home with him to Denver, CO and I would just get it from him on Monday. The next day I got to the Phoenix airport was ready to check in for my flight and then find out that instead of it just being delayed; they cancelled the flight. There wasn’t much I could do under the circumstances. The airlines booked me onto another airline for the experiance next day and put me up in a hotel for the night. Yes I was upset at first that I couldn’t get home to my husband and grandkids; however I used this time as a learning experience to network and grow as a person.

The only thing I had with me was my purse!! Thank God for that. I’d have been really screwed without it. At least I had the common sense that God gave me to pack my toothbrush and toothpaste, makeup and my Protandim and three AXIO ‘s in it. I also packed my tablet in my purse so I could do some work.

Okay I know what you’re thinking, What did she sleep in? Well that’s not something you need to know.

The next day I got to the airport, got through security and finally onto my plane. Yippy I was going home.

Not so fast, I’m afraid to say. After a two-hour delay on the tarmac, due to some fuel problems they needed to clear up. Finally we were on our way home to Denver, CO.

I did have the pleasure of meeting Denver Radio Show Host and The Denver Nuggets Announcer, Mr. Irv Brown.

Surviving one trip home with only a purse wasn’t that bad 🙅. It’s better with my luggage in hand; however I learned to overcome the situation, adapt to my situation and make new friends and connections.

Apply skills you know to your everyday life and when you face certain situations learn to overcome them.

Gain The Advantage!

That’s It!

That’s it, I’m done with all this “network marketing” junk!

Family, friends, co workers they all let me down. No one believes me anyway so I might as well be done! I’m just going to stay here in my comfortable little world and be miserable along with everyone else I know.

Sound familiar?

Working outside one’s comfort zone is hard. Without the proper support from other’s in network marketing, having a positive mindset and not seeing any results makes it hard to stay in this industry.

Are you aware that the “Network Marketing” industry is responsible for $182,000,000,000.00 in the world?

No one can tell me that this industry doesn’t pay. Does your industry allow you to trade dimes for time? Work when and how hard you want? Does it reward you for achieving certain levels in the company? Gone are the days of bonuses just because you’ve done a great job. Even Christmas bonuses, Christmas parties, oh no I didn’t just say Christmas? Yes I did! Holiday parties is not the way I was raised and I’m not going to conform to the political correctness today’s society.

With being a professional networking marketer we are recognized for achieving certain levels, working hard and appreciation is a given.

Done? No I’m not done I’m just getting started! In the words of Katy Perry, “Your gonna hear me roar, roar, roar”!