30 Day Challenges

wp-1449258723277.jpegHave you ever done a 30 day challenge?

I recently was researching online about 30 day challenges and found that most of the top challenges are about weight loss or weight management.
There are so many topics that a person can choose from. Blogging, eating, weight loss, sex, fashion and more. Do they really work? It’s said that it takes 30 days to change a bad behavior or to get into “the habit” of doing something different.


James Clear writes in his article titled; “How Long Does It Actually Take to Form a New Habit “. He states “that how society started spreading the common myth it takes 21 days to form a new habit (or 30 days or some other magic number).”

What is the correct number?
On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic. It takes ….. 66 days to be exact! Habits can be easily formed but don’t limit yourself to a certain time frame.
Each of us have our own way of doing things, and what may take me 30 days may take someone else 15 or 60.

Secondly, you are unique in every way. You strivefor perfection and sometimes you obtain it, and other times you don’t. Don’t treat a failure as a failure. Instead treat it as an accomplishment with needing a better outcome, next time.

Thirdly, make yourself a guideling or chart to go by. Visualeffects can stimulate your mind and get you going into the right direction.

In close, at the end of the day you are responsible for yourself. How you progress is up to you. Before ending the day can you be happy with what you’ve accomplished in your challenge?

Challenge comes in many forms in a daily basis. It’s how we choose to carry out the good or bad behaviors that help us beome the overcomer.

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