20 Profitable Small Business Ideas for Women With SproutMentor

As I was browsing through my Pinterest account

I came across this pin

20 Profitable Business Ideas for Women in 2019 by Hildha Mewend, owner of Sprout Mentor.

She offers great tips and resources if you’re searching for a way to make a more of a passive income.

From my Instagram account at connectwithalicia, (just scan the nametag below to find my account).

A new feature is titled, Ways To Work From Home.

After stumbling on her article I just knew it needed to be shared with my readers.

Please leave a comment.

Gain The Advantage,

Alicia Osmera



One word will kill the  chances of ever finding success in network marketing.


Disbelief  is defined as  the 1. Inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real 2. Lack of faith in something. *Webster’s Dictionary

Doubting  in yourself is going to hold you back and take you down a long and winding road! This is one reason all of the top successful network marketers tell us to work on self improvement.  Work on a positive mindset, be around successful and positive  influences because they will give you the ability to produce the successful results you’re seeking.

For example someone has offered you an unbelievable opportunity.  Yet you have seen all of the documentation, seen videos, talked to other people in the business and yet you still disbelieve “this one of a kind opportunity” exists.

In the book –  Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement book there is a blurp about overcoming disbelief.   In this book he highlights three easy steps to obtain overcoming disbelief.

  1. Express a definite desire for the achievement of a purpose, and relate it to one or more of the basic human motives.
  2. Create a definite and specific plan for attaining that desire.
  3. Start acting on that plan, putting every conscious effort  behind it.


Reading books like Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success: The Principles of Personal Achievement,  How To Think And Grow Rich will aid in developing the proper techniques and mindset to gain success.

The more we clear our minds from the negativity filters, the better we become with believing we have the ability to accomplish the goals that we have set aside.  Clear your mind of all negative thoughts of poverty, unsuccessfulness, fear, regrets, and take the necessary steps to build your faith level up where it needs to be to achieve the success you seek.

Gain The Advantage!



What are you enthusiasts about?

A new business opportunity, Monday night football, your family?   Whatever it is you want to run, jump up and down, yell it from the mountain tops; “Hey world look at this I’m so excited to share it with you”!

Enthusiasm in it’s true form is contagious.  If you really think about it the last time someone was so excited around you, you just had to know why?  Then as they proceeded to tell you, you began to get excited about the same thing.

Do you wake up with enthusiasm about the start of a new day?  Ready to takle on anything the day brings?  Or do you wake up feeling unexcited, gloomy and depressed about yiur your situation?

No matter what happens you’re bound to run into somebody with a contageous and exciting enthusiasm about something.

“Act enthusiastic,  and you’ll be enthusiastic “!

Gain The Advantage!


That’s It!

That’s it, I’m done with all this “network marketing” junk!

Family, friends, co workers they all let me down. No one believes me anyway so I might as well be done! I’m just going to stay here in my comfortable little world and be miserable along with everyone else I know.

Sound familiar?

Working outside one’s comfort zone is hard. Without the proper support from other’s in network marketing, having a positive mindset and not seeing any results makes it hard to stay in this industry.

Are you aware that the “Network Marketing” industry is responsible for $182,000,000,000.00 in the world?

No one can tell me that this industry doesn’t pay. Does your industry allow you to trade dimes for time? Work when and how hard you want? Does it reward you for achieving certain levels in the company? Gone are the days of bonuses just because you’ve done a great job. Even Christmas bonuses, Christmas parties, oh no I didn’t just say Christmas? Yes I did! Holiday parties is not the way I was raised and I’m not going to conform to the political correctness today’s society.

With being a professional networking marketer we are recognized for achieving certain levels, working hard and appreciation is a given.

Done? No I’m not done I’m just getting started! In the words of Katy Perry, “Your gonna hear me roar, roar, roar”!

The Great American Dream, Is It Gone?

Have you ever sat down and thought to yourself;  “Where has the great American dream gone”? 

In the past 10 years the U.S. Government reports that more than 3.5 million jobs have been eliminated in the past 10 years! What’s more frightening is that an estimated 55% of jobs created in the next 5-10 years will be at or just slightly above minimum wage. The modern two income family earners are not able to provide and care for themselves or their families like their parents.

At age 50 — 75% of the population has less than $5,000.00 saved up for retirement. Not to mention that if they were to take ill who’s going to take care of them? Medicare, Medicaid is not enough. Once you have worked so hard all of your life to earn your pension unless you’ve made a sustainable amount then you’re stuck with state run care. (I will not get on my soapbox about that issue).

What’s happened to the middle class?

Today if you’re making more than $27,500 a year you are doing better than half of this country. Realistically that’s not enough to buy food, pay the mortgage, car payments and other needs. The fact is that this is one of the reasons why both parents are working in a two parent family. Sometimes both parents are working multiple jobs to just barely make ends meet. Over the last few years the cost of living has risen but not the paychecks!
Once upon a time, most American families could afford a nice home, two cars, a motorcycle, a boat and a nice vacation at least once a year. I remember taking at least two vacations a year with my parents when I was younger. We were middle class and we were happy. But now I ask you; “Where is the American Dream”? Has it dies right in front of our eyes? The middle class is getting screwed at every turn. We work hard for what we have and it’s still not enough! Does every American need to be at the poverty level or below? Does every American need to be at the upper class level or above it?

After World War II the American Middle Class was thriving. Men were returning home from war opening new businesses, employing more people and happy to be alive.  People wanted to work hard to earn what they had and keep it.
One of the biggest reasons that people come to America is to find the “American Dream”. It seems like now the illegal aliens that are coming to America are getting everything handed to them. But at what cost?

Some surprising facts:

According to a new CNN polls, 59 percent of Americans believe that is has become impossible for most people to have the American Dream.
The American Dream is impossible to achieve in this country.
So say nearly 6 in 10 people who responded to CNN Money’s American Dream Poll, conducted by ORC International. They feel the dream — however they define it — is out of reach.
Young adults, age 18 to 34, are most likely to feel the dream is unattainable, with 63% saying it’s impossible. This age group has suffered in the wake of the Great Recession, finding it hard to get good jobs.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 36 percent of Americans under the age of 35 own a home. That is the lowest level that has ever been measured.

Right now, approximately one out of every six men in the United States that are in their prime working years (25 to 54) does not have a job.

25 percent of all American adults do not even have a single penny saved up for their retirement.

The New Truth

We cannot survive alone here in America with a traditional “JOB” (Just Over Broke) or under whatever your case maybe. So what is the answer?

Donald Trump endorses network marketing as a great way to earn an awesome income from home. Now I know what you’re thinking it’s a scam. Really then …….
Why are women the top producers in network marketing? 89% of women are top earners. If network marketing was a scam then why is it so successful?


Have you got a PLAN B? Have you had the OPPORTUNITY? The time is NOW!
The opportunity is HERE! Find your PLAN B and learn all you can to create the financial freedom your family deserves today.


3 Deadly Mistakes In Network Marketing!

During a conversation I had with another network marketer it was brought to my attention that he didn’t really know my companies products, nor did he use them.   He proceeded to tell me that he bought the products and was familiar with all of them.  He only buys them, along with other MLM companies products to sell them to other families  so they can use them and make money.  I am still trying to figure out what the company might be?

When I asked him if he takes my companies starship product for himself the answer was, wait for it ……..”NO! Stop right their.  If you tell me that you’re buying products to “sell”; (Note to self I don’t sell products!  I provide a solution to problems. )  I am a problem solver!

To get back on track if you’re in a network marketing company and have products to sell, and you  don’t even know how they work on or in the body what are you doing?  Even if there is proven scientific research that is beyond the shadow of a doubt the real thing; then you’ve just made the first deadly mistake in network marketing.

▪ First and foremost— Know your companies product(s)!  It’s not enough to just “use” them but you have to be educated about them.  If you don’t know what they are che k with your upline, call customer service and g et information from them.  Research the products if you need to.  KNOW why your company stands out from all the rest!

▪ Secondly — Use the product(s)!  How can you truly endorse a product without using it?   Does Michael Jordan endorse Haines underware without using the product?  Well I hope that he does.  Lol.

Word of mouth is the most powerful tool we have in this industry.  Network Marketing is a word of mouth business!

▪ Don’t tell people you sell products — 99% of MLM ‘s, network marketing companies sell something.  When you’re approaching someone that knows nothing about your company, there products and compensation plan don’t tell them your selling them something.

Continue reading “3 Deadly Mistakes In Network Marketing!”