Excitement! Episode 3, Season 1 of My Podcast; It’s Your Life!

With all this talk and drudge in the news let me ask you a question. Is there something that you are excited about.

Can excitement be us hearing the voice of God? Listen to my podcast series called; It’s Your Life

Our lives are the product of the choices we have made. Together explore with me how to live a more fullfilled life. Afterall it’s your life, live it well.

Gain The Advantage,

Alicia Osmera

20 Profitable Small Business Ideas for Women With SproutMentor

As I was browsing through my Pinterest account

I came across this pin

20 Profitable Business Ideas for Women in 2019 by Hildha Mewend, owner of Sprout Mentor.

She offers great tips and resources if you’re searching for a way to make a more of a passive income.

From my Instagram account at connectwithalicia, (just scan the nametag below to find my account).

A new feature is titled, Ways To Work From Home.

After stumbling on her article I just knew it needed to be shared with my readers.

Please leave a comment.

Gain The Advantage,

Alicia Osmera

Intellifluence A New Way To Connect Your Businesses With Consumers

**This post may contain affiliate links. In the event of a sale, I get rewarded a small commission, at no extra cost to you. These funds help me keep my blog up and running to provide you with great content so thank you!**

Intellifluence is an easy way to build relationships and increase your blog, or company’s awareness and sales.

A few months ago I was web surfing for “work from home” opportunities and came across this new website opportunity called Intellifluence. After doing my due diligence, I signed up. Companies are always looking for people to review their products and share them with the masses. The internet has changed the way businesses market their products.

How Does It Work?

Using their platform allows your company to communicate directly with interested consumers, acting as the influencer. Most of the companies using this website are small businesses. With the bottom lines being right it makes marketing products even more of a challenge. Their pricing is reasonable with many options. One can cancel at any time without a penalty.

What Companies Work With Intellifluence?

All kinds of companies from Newair, Reedsy, and Simply Earth, to name a few. Any company that needs a little help to announce new products or opportunities should jump on board.

Becoming An Influencer

Once the decision is made to become an influencer click the join button and get started. I’ve made it easy for you by clicking my intellifluence link.

Once you join, you can earn badges to help promote yourself.

Getting Free Stuff and Getting Paid

What? Did I really just read that? Yes, yes you did. The beauty of signing up is some of the free sample items, money, and keeping what a collaborator pays for.

As a blogger, certain companies pitch their ideas along with the payment amount. Should you accept my advice, set up a Zelle Pay or a Venmo account for receiving payments. It’s better to be secure when it comes to your money.

Yes, I have made a few dollars and will continue my journey as an influencer. Whatever your decision I wish you all the success.

Gain The Advantage,

Alicia Osmera

Are You Aware Of ID2020? Big Pharm And Microsoft Are Teaming Up.

After reading this article published by Now The End Begins, I just knew I had to share it with my readers.

Revelation 13:16-18 says “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

The ID2020 is known to all believers of Jesus Christ as the mark of beast. This technology has been developing for years. More and more information comes to the forefront everyday. We are in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

It’s worth the read. Click the link below 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎✔✔✔


I would encourage you to prepare yourself, your loved ones for what’s to come in these last days ahead.

If you have never heard the salvation message or heard of Jesus Christ, salvation is near. Reach out to myself or a biblical church near you.

As always I welcome your comments.

Gain The Advantage,

Alicia Osmera

Accepting The Loss Of A Job, And How To Move Forward

Anger, denial, depression and frustration doesn’t even begin to explain emotions when a person is suddenly let go from their job.

When your first hired emotions run high.   Excitement, joy, scared, are just some of the emotions you can feel when taking on a new challenge in your career.   

How do I know this? 

Because after a four year hiatus from my chosen career path as a Respiratory Therapist I landed what I thought was going to be the perfect job.   I was so elated with joy.  Suddenly changes started to happen.  Don’t get me wrong here, I’m all for changes as long as their for the betterment of the company and they don’t compromise patient care. 

Then it happened.  Due to just one person and their management role the   staff became on edge, the constant yelling, nasty remarks, even acting racist towards certain professions and people in the office.  

People loose jobs all the time.  The worst time is right before Christmas.  I was called into the office sat down and heard those words; “Sorry but we have to let you go. Understand that it’s best for business”.

Emotions started swelling up inside.  Angry oh yes I was angry.  Angry that I had taken on this responsibility to essentially clean up a failed department.  Trying to regain patients truat after the last therapist had mistreated so many patients.  

What effected me the most was being lied to for months to my face, until they finally pulled out the rug from underneath my feet. Disgusted at the fact that this person whom the owners had put in charge and were trusting with their business, was actually the one who is hurting it.  Customers had complained,  even the reviews on yelp.com  proved my point. 

Getting Back On Track

Oh wow sorry I really got of subject there, didn’t I? 

After much searching,  praying, yelling,  depression and crying I finally realized I need to let this go.  Let go of the anger and resentment towards the owners and their deceitful ways.   Let go of seeking revenge towards her racial attitude and obnoxious behavior. 

How Do You Let Go?

Researching the world wide web I found this great article written by J. T. O’Donnell  titled There Are 5 Stages Of Job Loss Depression.  

Learning To Accept The Loss

Accepting a job as a loss? Yes just like the loss of a loved one we must accept their gone.  Taken away unexpectedly from this earth.  My favorite part in this article,

  • Objectivity: You can state the facts without adding emotional commentary.
  • Accountability: You can take ownership of your role in what lead to your job loss.

    Accepting loosing my job that’s the hardest part.  No real reasons given,  not one performance evaluation in the sixteen months I spent there. 

    Moving Forward

    Choosing to stay in the past or move ahead is up to each individual person.  It’s the thought of looking for a job, the interview process and explaining over and over again why you want to work for them.

    I changed my focus from being angry and hurt to finding a new beginning which will allow me to use my talents in the best way possible to make a difference. 

    Focusing on the positive aspects of this chapter in life isn’t easy for some.  Especially when you have a spouse who has been ill for a while and is relying on you to be the strong one.

    Looking For Opportunity 

    Looking for that new job opportunity can be challenging and exciting at the same time.  

    When and where does one find opportunity? I’m told there all around us and that we just have to keep looking.  

    As always I welcome your comments. 

    Gain The Advantage, 

    Alicia Osmera 

    Needs Verses Wants

    Needs are not wants!

    That’s what my mother always told me. I would say, “Mom I need that record”. She would say to me, ” No you really don’t. That is something that you want”.

    What is a need? A need is things that we all need to survive. A roof over our head, food, money , companionship, love and health.

    I could say, “I need a laptop and a printer, a lot more interested people who want to change the world through this amazing cutting edge technology breakthrough”. However these things are not actual needs. They are my wants, my hearts desires. I desire to have a laptop and printer to run my home business more efficiently. I desire people with the same mindset and values as myself whom want to change the world.

    What is a want? A want is just that. You want something so you find a way to make it happen. I want to be debit free, have new home, see my children happy and my grandchildren healthy.

    Wanting things are in the human nature. Needing certain things are a necessity in life. We all need food, a warm home to live in, an income to by the food, cook the food and heat the  said.

    Whomever said, “Money doesn’t buy happiness” was a true moron! We all need money to live, it’s just that some people have more than others and they can do whatever they want.

    You can have your needs meet and your wants can be turned into reality. Dream and dream big.